Creating and managing proposals by NiftyQuoter online proposal software can easily save you 50% of your time.
Three kinds of templates: theme templates, content templates and pricing templates. Combine these, make some custom changes if needed, and you can send it to your client by email right via NiftyQuoter.
NiftyQuoter online proposal software comes with gorgeous professional looking customizable themes.
Or you can always create your own template. Customize the design of templates to match your brand with just a few clicks of a mouse. You can even change the colors of background images, headings, text etc. easily.
Send proposals to your customers via NiftyQuoter. Clients can easily approve, reject or discuss your proposals.
You can reply to their comments readily via NiftyQuoter online proposal software and they will be able to see your reply in real time. Stop using Word, start using NiftyQuoter proposal software!

Proposal templates
Easily prepare reusable proposal templates for your services or products. NiftyQuoter uses three kinds of proposal templates: theme, content and pricing templates for the highest efficiency. Replaceable tokens in text templates are also supported.

Optional items
Use optional items to sell more services and reduce redos and unnecessary communication with clients. You can make some or all optional items pre-selected by default if you wish.

Beautiful proposal themes
Choose one of our many ready-made themes or create your own theme by modifying our theme or start a new one from scratch. The ready-made theme doesn't match your company colors? Just recolor it - change the color of the background image, headlines etc.

Translatable client-side texts
Client side texts (approve proposal, reject proposal, etc.) can be translated to another language or just customized to your needs. That means you can use our proposal software even if you don't send proposals in English. You can even add multiple languages.

Automatic PDF generation
A PDF is generated automatically by NiftyQuoter. You or your clients can display it right in the browser or download it.

Multiple users in one account
You can see the activity of each member of your sales team. NiftyQuoter supports two types of roles: managers can do everything - for you and your business partners, or create a sales role for your employees.