Spring product updates: permissions & more

  |   Vaclav

We've put together a list of all the new features and updates to our product since our last post. If you have an idea for a new feature please use the feedback button on the right side and vote for exising ideas or create a new one. Thank you.

  • You can add custom fields to the approval form - My account / Approval fields.
  • Auto action emails can be configured to be sent immediately. You can now automatically send an email to a client immediately after he approves/rejects a proposal.
  • Proposal permissions & customizable user roles: you can add multiple user roles and restrict access to specific proposals for some of the roles (or individual users if each user has it's own user role). You can also make templates or service/product templates read-only for some user roles.
  • Updated API - you can list your proposals, manage line items and more.
  • Responsive proposal design for mobile phones - enable/disable in your account settings. 
  • Sort clients by proposal count. Click the proposal count number on the client row to show their proposals.
  • Auto actions can be applied only to proposals that have a certain tag.
  • Each user can set his own SMTP user name and password.
  • Easily hide unwanted columns from the pricing table using checkboxes in your theme's settings.
  • Create proposals from client list or client detail screen.
  • Search by filename in the file browser.
  • Integration with Teamwork can export proposals and contacts.
  • Integration with Xero can export proposals as invoices.
  • Editable BCC & CC fields when sending emails.
  • Hitting enter (or tab key) while editing a section or area header moves the cursor to the next editable element.
  • You can now delete comments.
  • New theme configuration checkboxes: hide logo in PDF, show whole cover background image.
  • Exporting a proposal to Highrise adds a link back to a proposal to the background info section of a deal.
  • You can enable the automatic addition of the first text area when you add a section in your account settings / proposals tab.
  • New tag: [LinkToProposalWithoutTag] can be used when you use HTML emails and you want to customize the visible part of the link. Insert some text, select it and then click the "attach file" button and put [LinkToProposalWithoutTag] into the URL field.
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